2025 Bluegrass Classic
HandlersBluegrass Classic SDT
Masterson Station Park
3051 Leestown Road, Lexington, KY 40511
May 14-18, 2025
2025 Handler Information
Entry Open Date: March 4, 2025 Enter online at the Handlerspost
Open Entry Fee: $275.00 per dog, 2 dog limit (Entry for both rounds; no single round entries accepted)
Entry Fees Per Class: Nursery – $50; Open Ranch – $60; Pro Novice – $55; Novice – $45 (per dog/per run)
Classes Offered:
- 2 Open trials over 4 days; 130 dogs per trial; USBCHA Sanctioned
- 4 Nursery trials over 4 days; USBCHA Sanctioned
- 2 Open Ranch trials over 2 days
- 2 Pro Novice trials over 2 days
- 2 Novice/Novice trials over 2 days
Open & Nursery Judges: To be announced at a later date
Open Ranch Judge: To be announced at a later date
Pro-Nov & Novice Judge: To be announced at a later date
Trial Coordinator: Marianna Schreeder
Handlers entered in the 2025 Bluegrass Classic will be held accountable for knowledge of the
“2025 Entry Guidelines and Trial Information”.
Failure to read such is not defensible for failure to comply.
2025 Bluegrass Classic Entry Guidelines & Trial Information
1. Entries Due –
- Entries open March 4, 2025.
- Entries will be accepted through Handlers Post, www.handlerspost.com.
- The initial window for entering the 2025 Bluegrass Classic SDT will be March 4-6 (noon through noon EST)
- All entries submitted during that time will be prioritized first and processed as “initial entries” regarding the draw and waiting lists. Entries submitted after that time, until the closing date, midnight on April 15th, will be placed at the bottom of any wait lists.
- 1st open dogs will be drawn prior to 2nd open dogs.
- Dog names will follow USBCHA policy. Prefixes will not be listed on dog names.
2. Payment –
- Checks must be postmarked within 3 (three) days of entry submission. Failure to do so may result in entries dropping to the bottom of waiting list(s).
- Funds are to be paid in US Currency only. No foreign (ie: Canadian, European) currency accepted. Checks drawn on US dollars and money orders are allowable forms of payment. Bank or wire transfers and e-payments are not permitted.
- Please send separate checks for each Open dog entered, do not combine Open entry checks with lower class checks, merchandise purchases or KBCA memberships.
- Payment information and the mailing address for checks will be on the printed entry forms.
- Upon processing of checks & entries, email confirmations will be sent. If you do not get a confirmation for receipt of your check in a reasonable amount of time, please contact Tresa Laferty.
- Any entry requiring a “signature upon receipt” will be returned and entry forfeited.
3. Refunds/Withdrawals –
- Accepted Entries: Checks will be deposited on April 17th. There are no refunds for any accepted entries after midnight on April 15th, regardless of wait lists.
- If accepted entries and wait list entries are combined in one check, checks will be deposited, and refunds will be issued no later than thirty (30) days after the trial, June 20, 2025.
- Wait List Entries: If an entry does not move off the Wait List, in any class, the check will be destroyed, or the entry refunded no later than thirty (30) days after the trial, June 20, 2025.
4. Important Dates –
- March 4: Entries open. Entry window is March 4-6.
- April 1 – 3: Open entry and wait list published.
- April 3: Dog sponsorships are available for purchase, open dogs only.
- April 8-10: Novice Field entry and wait list published.
- April 15: Cancellation deadline (midnight) for full refund of “accepted” entries; no refunds after this date.
- April 16: Checks cashed for all “accepted” entries.
- April 28: Deadline for Dog Sponsorships & Program Ads
- May 6-8: Running orders posted.
- May 7: Deadline for camping forms.
5. Open Field Information –
- A standard will be imposed in the Open Class.
- Judges will always follow a lack of progress policy.
- Handlers may not leave the post to walk up the field to assist their dog in locating the sheep.
- The KBCA Board will evaluate standards and make modifications as the need arises.
- Judges have the authority to call off any dog/handler team if the dog appears to be overheated.
- Course Directors, with Judge approval, have the authority to call off any dog/handler team if the dog appears to be overheated.
- The KBCA Board will have the authority to remove any overheated dog from competition.
6. Entry Changes –
- Changes for canceling a dog, swapping an Open wait-listed dog with an accepted dog, or changing the class of a Novice field dog may be made online, prior to the May 1st. Go to your online entry and make the changes. If the change requires payment, print the new entry, and send it with a check.
- Please follow any changes by email to HandlersPost or Tresa Laferty for confirmation of change.
- Open handlers may change the dogs they are running up until 6:00 pm on Tuesday evening, May 13th (Open 1) and 7:00 pm on Thursday evening May 15th (Open 2); afterwards, no changes are possible. Health emergencies will be considered.
- Novice Field handlers may change the dogs they are running up until 6:00 pm the evening before their scheduled class. If a handler has multiple dogs in a class, the handler may not swap the order of dogs.
- Wait listed entries will not be added to a class after 6:00 pm the evening before the scheduled class.
7. Novice Field Information –
- Novice Field classes may be limited to 2 dogs per handler.
- All handlers’ meetings will take place prior to each class, except for Open Ranch 1. This meeting is scheduled for 4:30pm on Tuesday, May 13th.
- Nursery dogs will be required to enter Classes 1 & 2 jointly and Classes 3 & 4 jointly. Single class entries will not be permitted. Nursery wait lists will be drawn based on this combination. For example: A nursery dog may be accepted in Classes 1 & 2 and wait listed in Classes 3 & 4.
- All entries are subject to a random draw. It is possible for a dog to be accepted in one (1) class and on the wait list in another. It is also possible for a handler to draw in two (2) dogs prior to a handler drawing in one (1) dog.
- If a dog cannot locate the sheep with several attempts, handlers will be excused by the Course Director & Judge.
- Handlers may not leave the post to walk up the field to assist their dog in locating the sheep.
- If a handler persists in ignoring the Course Director & Judge, the handler may be asked to forfeit future run(s) in current or future classes at the discretion of the KBCA Board. The forfeiture may apply to any class at the Bluegrass Classic.
- Handlers may enter separate dogs in Open Ranch & Pro Novice, or they may enter separate dogs in Pro Novice & Novice. Handlers may not enter dogs in all three (3) of these classes. Please read Class Descriptions at www.bluegrassclassicsdt.org.
- Novice/Novice handlers are required to wear, not drive. Please read Class Descriptions at www.bluegrassclassicsdt.org.
- A lack of progress policy will always be in effect.
- A standard may be implemented if necessary.
- Judges have the authority to call off any dog/handler team if the dog appears to be overheated.
- Course Directors, with Judge approval, have the authority to call off any dog/handler team if the dog appears to be overheated.
8. Tie Breakers –
If two or more competitors stand equal in points, the judge and the KBCA Board will settle their priority: 1) by the combined points for the gather, 2) by each subsequent phase of the trial [i.e., the drive, shed & pen], and 3) by going back to the individual points of the outrun, then the lift, then the fetch. If the tie is not broken by this process, then run-off for 1st place will occur if daylight permits.
9. Double Lift Final –
- Rule for qualifying the Top 21 for the Final Round – the top 7 dogs from Open 1 & the top 7 dogs from Open 2, not already qualified, will advance to the final round. Upon completion of all preliminary runs, the top 7 dogs with the highest cumulative scores, not already qualified, will advance to the final round. No handler will be allowed to run more than 2 dogs in the Double Lift.
- Appropriate attire is suggested for the double lift finals. Collared shirts, vests, ties &/or jackets are required for men, blouses for women; no sandals, shorts, t-shirts, or athletic attire (i.e., sweats). Suitable outerwear is allowed, weather permitting.
10. Weather –
Please note the weather in Lexington during the month of May can vary greatly from day to day. There is a high probably the temperatures will be in the 80’s with high humidity. All handlers are encouraged to protect their dogs from overheating, in all classes. There will be multiple water stations on both fields for this use.
11. Dog Sponsorships –
- The trial will be offering dog sponsorships for the 130 Open dogs. Information will be listed at www.bluegrassclassicsdt.org. We look forward to handlers’ friends and family cheering on their favorite teams! Information will be posted at www.bluegrassclassicsdt.org after entries open.
- One sponsor for each handler/dog team will be permitted.
- There will be 2 types of dog sponsorships available:
1. Randomly assigned dog sponsorships will be offered for $55 per handler/dog team.
2. Sponsors may select their choice of handler/dog team which will be offered for $75 per handler/dog team. - As a thank you, all sponsors will receive Sponsor Ball Caps. Sponsors for the Top 21 teams in the Sunday Final will receive an additional gift.
- Sponsors will be listed in the program as well as announced on the Livestream.
12. Merchandise –
- Samples of merchandise will be located on www.bluegrassclassicsdt.org.
- NEW FOR 2025 – Apparel will not be available for pre-orders or post-trial orders. All sales will be on-site only.
13. Volunteers –
- Please consider lending us a hand as a volunteer!! Please consider at least ONE shift per handler!!
- There are an overwhelming 161 three-hour volunteer shifts that must be filled.
- Please contact Sherry Smith sherrys819@live.com for the volunteer spots or visit https://bluegrassclassic.org/volunteers for online forms & sign up.
- When contacting Sherry, please let her know when you will arrive at the trial, depart and which classes you have entered.
14. Camping – Request Camping Here
- All campers must fill out and submit the required Camping Form no later than May 7, 2025.
- All Camping Forms submitted will receive a permit number. No permit. No camping.
- Online form is available at https://bluegrassclassic.org/camping
- RV’s will not be allowed to park at the trial site until 12 pm (noon) on Tuesday, May 13th, without exception.
- Large, unmuffled, very loud generators are not permitted. Violators will be asked to relocate to the KY Horse Park.
- Camping at the trial is reserved for handlers entered in the trial only. Volunteers & spectators may park their campers at the KY Horse Park.
- The KY Horse Park provides potable water & dump stations, free of charge for use before or after the trial.
- On-site dumping & water will be available on Thursday & Saturday. Fees paid directly to the provider: Dumping ($50) & Potable water ($25).
- Tent camping is not permitted.
15. 2025 Schedule –
- Tuesday, May 13th
4:30 pm Open Ranch 1 Handlers Meeting
5:30 pm Open 1 Handlers Meeting - Wednesday, May 14th
6:30 am – Open Field: Dogs 1 – 65
6:45 am – Novice Field: Open Ranch 1, Nursery 1 - Thursday, May 15th
6:30 am – Open Field: Dogs 66 – 130
6:45 am – Novice Field: Nursery 2, Open Ranch 2
Open 2 Handlers Meeting – (60 minutes after last open run)* - Friday, May 16th
6:30 am – Open Field: Dogs 1 – 65
7:00 am – Novice Field: Nursery 3, Pro Novice 1, Novice 1 - Saturday, May 17th
6:30 am – Open Field: Dogs 66 – 130
7:00 am – Novice Field: Novice 2, Pro Novice 2, Nursery 4
Awards Ceremony & Top 21 Draw (1 hour after last run on either field)* - Sunday, May 18th
7:45 am – Double Lift Handlers Meeting
8:00 am – Double Lift Final
10:30 am (approximately) – Presentation of Handlers
4:00-5:00 pm – Double Lift Awards Ceremony (30 minutes after last run)*subject to change
16. The KBCA Board of Directors reserves the right to prohibit any individual from attending this event and review special circumstances as they arise.